American Heritage Girls (AHG) is a Christ-centered leadership and character development ministry. The mission of AHG is to build women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country. All biological girls of any color, race, national origin, and socioeconomic status who agree to live according to the standards of the AHG Oath and Creed are invited to be members of AHG.
AHG Oath
I promise to love God, cherish my family, honor my country, and serve in my community.
AHG Creed
As an American Heritage Girl, I promise to be compassionate, helpful, honest, loyal, perseverant, pure, resourceful, respectful, responsible, and reverent.
"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35
AHG Troop CA1335 is sponsored and hosted by Coast Christian Fellowship.
We will be meeting on the 2nd and 4th Mondays (except for November, December, and May) @ 6:00 - 7:30pm from September through May.
Adult and Girl Members' registration fee is $40/program year (payable directly to AHG), and troop dues are $125/program year (payable directly to Coast Christian Fellowship).
Coast's address is 4000 Pacific Coast Highway in Torrance, California.
American Heritage Girls
Register Girl
and Adult Members
Purchase AHG products,
including books and uniforms
Access the Troop Orientation Handbook
Troop CA1335 Calendar 2024-2025
August 26 - Parent Informational Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
September 9 - First Troop Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
September 23 - Troop Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
October 14 - Troop Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
October 28 - Troop Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
November 1- camping trip at Wilderness Park
Nov/Dec - Cards for a Cause fundraiser
November 4 - Troop Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
November 18 - Troop Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
December 2 - Troop Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
December 16 - Troop Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
January 13 - Troop Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
January 27 - Court of Awards (6:00-7:30pm)
February 10 - Troop Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
February 24 - Troop Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
February 28 - Father Daughter Dance
March 10 - Troop Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
March 24 - Troop Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
April 4-6 - camping trip at Prado Regional Park
April 14- Troop Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
April 28- Troop Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
May 3 - Mother Daughter Tea
May 12- Troop Meeting (6:00-7:30pm)
May 19- Court of Awards (6:00-7:30pm)
other activities (dates TBA)-
car wash extravaganza fundraiser