Founded in 2010

We are a Christian Boy Scout troop that is growing together.  We meet in Torrance at Coast Christian Fellowship.  Come join us! Our activities include backpacking, beach camping, biking, canoeing, hiking, rock climbing, rifle shooting, river rafting, rocket launching, and snow camping. We also have Eagle projects to fix trails, make planter boxes, fix benches and build a fence. In the summer we will go to summer camp, and a week-long backpack in the Sierras is planned for our more experienced scouts.  We aim for one overnight trip per month and one day event.

Troop 413 was featured in the national Scout Life magazine for a trip we did in 2023.  See the article at Troop 413 in Scout Life Magazine

Congratulation to our newest Eagle Scout!

James Pinner

72 Eagle Scouts and counting!

Information About Boy Scout Troop 413

Mission:  The mission of Troop 413 is to develop boys into servant leaders like Christ through outdoor adventures and service projects

Troop Core Traits
Christ-centered.  While we welcome scouts of any faith, the name of Jesus and his Word is very welcome among us.  Theme verse:  Philippians 4:13 – I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.

Awesome outdoor activities.  The fun of scouting is getting out and doing great outings including camping, hiking, rock climbing, canoeing, rifle shooting, biking, skiing, fishing and more.

Boy-run troop with adult guidance.  The scouts decide what they want to do, and they lead the troop.  Capable adults are available to help as needed.

Relationships emphasized.  We deal with issues as they come up.  We treat each other as brothers.

Advancement encouraged.  We decide on reasonable standards for advancement following the Scout Handbook, and the scouts are required to do no more and no less to advance.
Troop Committee
The Troop Committee consists of a Chairman, Administrator, Treasurer, Secretary, Advancement Chairman, Uniform Coordinator, Hospitality Coordinator and other registered members. The Scoutmaster is a member of the Troop Committee. The Troop Committee meets annually to approve the annual calendar, review the annual financial plan, approve dues and major expenses, and address any new business issues. The Troop Committee conducts Board of Reviews under the direction of the Advancement Chairman or Scoutmaster.
The troop depends on parents to volunteer time and resources. The troop is run completely by volunteers. The adult leadership signs the Statement of Faith and Values (see the end of this document) and submits paperwork for a background check. Additionally, every adult leader takes the BSA Youth Protection course bi-annually. We need merit badge counselors, Troop Committee members and Assistant Scoutmasters. See the scoutmaster or troop committee chairman if interested.
Troop Dues and Registration
Our troop dues are $140 which includes $25 for five pancake breakfast tickets. Families with more than one son in the troop pay $112 for each additional scout.  These troop dues do not include Scouting America registration fees which are paid separately online. Troop dues should be paid in full by the end of September or the scout will no longer be able to participate in troop outings. New scouts who join during the year will pay a prorated portion of the troop dues. To register, a scout should pay his troop dues to the Troop Treasurer and give the Troop Administrator the following completed paperwork:  Scouting America Medical Form parts A&B and liability release form. New scouts also need to complete a Scouting America Youth Application.
Calendar – How To Read It
The calendar is updated as needed. The calendar date is shown in the upper right hand corner. The troop is active all year. From September through May, weekly troop meetings are held.  Meeting topics generally consist of preparing for upcoming outings and working on merit badges and skills. Patrol Leader Council (PLC) meetings are held monthly before the general meeting.  Initials of the senior scout who is organizing the trip are shown in parentheses to the right of these activities. If a scout attending an outing has any questions about the outing, he can contact either his patrol leader or the scout who is leading the trip or the Scoutmaster.
See “Rank Advancement Steps” under the Advancement tab on the website.
Courts Of Honor
Award ceremonies are held to recognize the achievements of our scouts. This is an excellent opportunity for parents and families to support their scouts. Check the calendar for dates. Families and friends are welcome. Each family is expected to bring one main dish AND salad or dessert. If more family members attend, parents are asked to increase the amount of food brought to the potluck accordingly.  The church has serving utensils, so these are not needed.
Service Hours
In order to advance, a scout needs to earn service hours.  The minimum number of hours required for each rank can be found the Scout Handbook.  Troop 413 has a number of activities available for a scout to earn service hours. These activities include Eagle service projects and service for our sponsoring organization, Coast Christian Fellowship.  Service hours can be earned by participating in troop-sanctioned service projects or projects approved by the scoutmaster and must be earned during the time a scout is working toward that specific rank.  The scout is responsible for documentation of service hours.  The annual Car Wash and Pancake Breakfast do not count as service hours.
Trip Costs and Reimbursements
Families with more than one son in the troop receive a 20% discount for each additional scout on a trip (not including summer camp).

Refunds will be provided only in the case of illness or injury that would prevent the scout from fully participating. No refunds will be provided for weather related reasons unless the troop decides to cancel the event. If a refund is provided, it will be reduced by any required pre-payment or commitment the troop has already provided (e.g., summer camp fees, campground deposits or equipment rentals).
Our troop website is at  Please check it often for updates to the calendar and whenever you have a question that your scout cannot answer.  All paperwork will be available on the website such as registration slips, calendars, rosters, etc.
The troop librarian maintains a library of merit badge books available for loan.  If you purchase a book and have finished with it, we encourage you to donate it to the library.
Regular meeting attendance is encouraged and particularly important if a scout is interested in rank advancement.  Scouts in leadership should attend every meeting unless the SPL is notified in advance.  Also, scout leaders should attend most trips and events.  If they cannot make a trip or meeting, they are required to make other arrangements to fulfill their responsibilities.  The troop Scribe is responsible for maintaining the roster and providing attendance information to the SPL and the Scoutmaster.
Uniforms and T-shirts
Our Uniform Coordinator is in charge of recycling uniforms that are outgrown.  Please feel free to donate or accept uniforms that are in good condition.  The Uniform Coordinator also has troop hats for $12, tshirts for $18 and neckerchiefs for $15.  The Scoutmaster has 413 patches for the uniform for $5.
Medical Forms
Scouting America has an annual medical form requirement for all scouts and adults consisting of a three-part medical form. Parts A&B are required for joining and must be updated annually. Part C requires a visit to a medical practitioner within 12 months preceding any trip of 72 hours or longer.  Medical forms are checked prior to Summer Camp and the long-term backpack where parts A-C are required, but a parent is obligated to provide the Troop with updated Parts A&B anytime a scout’s or adult’s medical condition changes. Each trip sign-up form requires a list of current medications and medical conditions.
Financial Aid and Fundraisers
Our troop will have some money available for financial aid for summer camp.  It is expected that the scout will participate in troop fundraisers and the family will contribute.  See the Scoutmaster or the Troop Committee Chairman to request aid.

We expect to have three fundraisers this year:  popcorn sales, a car wash and the Scout Parent’s pancake breakfast in May.  The popcorn sales occur in September and October, and every scout is required to participate in at least one store sale.  The goal is to earn $100 per scout to offset summer camp fees.  Scouts will sell tickets for the car wash and the scout will earn 100% of his sales towards summer camp.  The pancake breakfast tickets help the troop and Scout Parents Inc.  Note that fundraiser monies must be used in the year earned and cannot be “cashed out” if a scout leaves the troop.  Fundraiser money is primarily meant to offset the cost of summer camp.  Fundraiser money can also be used by parents to attend summer camp.
Driving to Trips
We do not assign seats for trips, so scouts can ride with whomever has room as guided by their parents.  All drivers must have a valid driver’s license.  Drivers are reimbursed for gas costs as determined by the Troop Committee.

In the rare case of a young adult driver, parents of scouts must give written permission for their children to be driven to events by adults ages 18-24.  Young adult drivers will be partnered with an adult, over the age of 25, in the same vehicle or in a different vehicle that will take the same route and share phone information.  Drivers under the age of 18 are forbidden to drive scouts to events except for the siblings of the driver with parent’s permission.  Drivers under the age of 18 must have six months experience as a licensed driver and no record of accidents or moving violations.
Phone Policy for Scouts
No phones on trips including summer camp.  No phones at meetings except SPL or presenter, including before and after meetings.  Phones in cars subject to driver approval.  Exceptions approved by Scoutmaster or Troop Committee Chairman.  Confiscated phones returned only to parents.  Repeat offenders will be asked to not bring phones to events.  Leadership scouts will lose leadership credit.

We challenge our scouts with wilderness experiences.  We do not need mobile phones, and they can be a distraction.  Our scouts are going for Eagle.  They are willing to put aside their phones and make other sacrifices to reach their goals.
Questions and Answers
Q:  What about food and meals on trips?
A:  Scouts will generally eat in their own patrols.  The patrol leader is responsible for the food on the trip unless he assigns this to someone else in the patrol.  Food costs for a weekend trip should generally be $10 or less per person per meal.  The cook will be reimbursed by the members of his patrol.  Adults will eat in the adult food group or individually if there is no organized adult group.

Q:  What about camping equipment?
A:  The patrol leader can help scouts find tent partners if needed.  The troop has patrol boxes and stoves for each patrol as well as a supply of bear canisters for backpacking trips.  The troop Quartermaster oversees the troop’s equipment.

Q:  I would like to drive on a particular trip.  How do I sign up?
A:  On the registration slip your son turns in for the trip, please be sure to indicate if you are willing to drive and how many seatbelts your vehicle has.  The adult trip leader will then contact you (usually the week of the trip) to finalize details.  We may sometimes have more drivers than we need.  In such a case, the leader may ask some volunteer drivers to ride as passengers.  We will reimburse designated drivers as follows:  $0.25/mile for cars and mini-vans and $0.40/mile for trucks and vans.  Drivers who drive by choice and not per the leader’s request will not be reimbursed.

Q:  If my son misbehaves on a trip, do I really have to drive out to a remote location and pick him up?
A:  Yes, if deemed necessary by the adult leadership.

Q:  Do parents on a trip have to follow the same rules as a scout?  Like no smoking?
A:  Yes.  Absolutely no alcohol or illicit drugs by scouts or adults will be tolerated.  Usage of tobacco products by adults is discouraged.

Q:  My non-scout son or daughter wants to attend a Troop Family trip with my scout son, what must I do to sign them up?
A:  After signing-up their son, the parent may sign-up their non-scout son and/or daughter by filling out the standard waiver and release forms and paying the fees to attend. The parent must attend with their non-scout children.  Siblings are not allowed at summer camp.

Q:  Can I bring electronic games, toys or musical devices on trips?
A:  No.  These may be allowed during the drive to the event if permitted by the driver, but they are not allowed at the event.

Q:  My son has a disability. Will this affect his ability to advance in rank? What do I need to do to insure that he has the opportunity to advance?
A:  If your son has a disability, you need to explain to the Scoutmaster the nature of his disability.  The Scoutmaster will assist the Senior Patrol Leader and the Review Board in setting realistic goals that fit your son.  You should plan to attend a number of activities with your son, so you can see how your son is doing and provide feedback to the SM as to whether you feel that your son is being appropriately challenged.
TROOP 413 Conduct Guidelines
The rule:  “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.”  — Matthew 7:12.  If you follow the Scout Oath and Law, you will be following the Golden Rule.

The following are examples of behaviors that create problems for scouts and the troop:

Destruction of property — You will be expected to pay for what you break unless it is normal wear and tear.

Harming others — Per BSA, we will not tolerate name calling, put downs, discrimination or any form of physical aggression.  Be considerate of others with your words and actions.  Don’t speak badly of others.

Harming ourselves — No alcoholic beverages, tobacco products or illegal substances.

When you break the rule:

You are powerful people, so clean up your messes.  Not easy if the mess is big.  Follow Matthew 18:15 principle of going first to the one who has offended you.  Keep parents informed and involved in decisions.
Statement of Faith and Values for Adult Leaders
We believe there is One Triune God – God the Father; Jesus Christ, His one and only Son; and the Holy Spirit – Creator of the universe and eternally existent. We believe the Holy Scriptures (Old and New Testaments) to be the inspired and authoritative Word of God. We believe each person is created in His image for the purpose of communing with and worshiping God. We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit, Who enables us to live godly lives. We believe each of us is called to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We believe God calls us to lives of purity, service, stewardship and integrity.

Purity: God calls us to lives of holiness, being pure of heart, mind, word and deed. We are to reserve sexual activity for the sanctity of marriage, a lifelong commitment before God between a man and a woman.

Service: God calls us to become responsible members of our community and the world through selfless acts that contribute to the welfare of others.

Stewardship: God calls us to use our God-given time, talents, and money wisely.

Integrity: God calls us to live moral lives that demonstrate an inward motivation to do what is biblically right regardless of the cost.

The Statement of Faith and Values is designed to affirm the need for those in leadership to follow biblical standards. Leaders are held to a higher standard than those who are not in leadership and must agree to the tenets contained in the Statement. All adults in leadership roles must agree to sign and adhere to the Statement of Faith and Values. Youth members are not required to sign this statement.

Eagle Scout Honor Roll and Scout Patrol Leader (SPLs)

We are very proud of our Eagle Scouts, senior patrol leaders and all of our scouts.
Eagle Honor Roll and SPLs (senior patrol leaders)

72.  10/3/24 James Pinner
71.  8/14/24 Raphael Soliman
70.  5/9/24 Matthew Basilio
69.  3/12/24 Andrew Johnson
SPL:  Marc Epp, Tristan Sword

68.  11/16/23 Darren Lin
67.  10/12/23 Daniel Zhou
66.  9/7/23 Kainoa Mark
65.  5/24/23 Anthony Hanes
64.  3/7/23 Sean Basile
63.  2/23/23 Xavier Ballard
62.  1/26/23 Colin Basile
SPLs:  James Pinner, Raphael Soliman

61.  11/3/22 Nathanael Catalan
60.  9/14/22 Jonathan Chung
59.  8/25/22 Michael Tsai
SPLs:  Sean Basile, Jack Malone

58.  12/29/21 Derek Jones
57.  10/25/21 Christian Ziobro
56.  9/2/21 Luke Machan
55.  7/21/21 Steven Yi
54.  7/14/21 Kai Yokota
53.  6/10/21 John Pinner
52.  5/5/21 David Uehara
51.  5/5/21 Brandon Hung
50.  3/3/21 Patrick Garrett
49.  2/17/21 Samuel Bernard
48.  2/17/21 Caleb Bernard
47.  1/20/21 Caleb Li
SPLs:  Kainoa Mark, Andrew Johnson

46.  12/16/20 Matthew Sun
45.  12/02/20 Eric Lyons
44.  10/07/20 Weston Bragg
43.  9/17/20 Karlsun Jennings
42.  7/8/20 Romeo Tindall
SPLs:  Evan Zhou, Xavier Ballard

41.  12/4/19 Evan Zhou
40.  11/6/19 Nate Vincent
39.  8/21/19 Thatcher Howden
38.  6/28/19 Andy Chen
37.  4/19/19 Samuel Gadient
36.  4/19/19 Alessandro Villain
35.  3/28/19 Benjamin Bomback
34.  2/22/19 Keanu Mark
33.  2/6/19 Justin Wong-Lara
SPLs:  John Pinner, Christian Ziobro

 32.  11/21/18 James Johnson
 31.  11/21/18 Jesse Simpson
 30.  9/27/18 Dylon Shiao
 29.  9/27/18 Samuel Saruwatari
 28.  8/23/18 Marlon Escobar
 27.  6/28/18 Mark MacRunnel
 26.  2/22/18 Ben Cheng
 25.  2/22/18 Zechariah Ong
SPLs:  Marlon Escobar, Keanu Mark

 24.  5/25/17 Madison Dunn
 23.  4/27/17 Drew Yakubik
22.  4/3/17 David Atkinson
 21.  1/4/17 Grant Watts
SPLs:  Ben Cheng, Samuel Saruwatari

 20.  7/28/16 Jake Cramer
 19.  7/22/16 Daniel Quon
 18.  6/1/16 Matthew Chappelle
 17.  4/28/16 Timothy Moy
 16.  2/25/16 Brian Cardinale
SPLs:  Alessandro Villain, Madison Dunn

15.  5/26/15 Sage Carmona
 14.  2/26/15 Jonathan Renard
SPLs:  Brian Cardinale, Grant Watts

13.  12/11/14 Matthew Dunn
12.  8/27/14 Alex Lee
11.  7/10/14 Andrew Choi
10.  3/27/14 Landon Watts
9.  2/6/14 Grant Gage
8.  1/23/14 Jason Choi
SPLs:  Jonathan Renard, Daniel Quon

7.  5/21/13 Ethan Stager
6.  2/21/13 Nikolas Renard
SPLs:  Landon Watts, Matthew Chappelle

5.  7/26/12 - Luke Ong
4.  7/26/12 - Joseph Ong
3.  6/28/12 - Timothy Custer
2.  6/28/12 - Rex Bilodeau
1.  3/27/12 - Chad Watts
SPLs:  Ethan Stager, Alex Lee

SPLs:  Joseph Ong, Timothy Custer

SPL:  Luke Ong

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