
We help individuals, groups and families process life circumstances in a new way.  
Don't wait to feel better and have the life you want,
join us as we create from our stories into future possibilities.  
Align 'who you are' and 'how you've been created' to design your life.  
We believe that when circumstances happen to us, they can also happen for us and we help harness this powerful perspective to change the circumstances of life.
Remember, you can thrive in spite of the circumstances in your life and
there is always hope, because it's your life and your story.
What story do you live by?

Coffee Conversations

Topic:   see 2023 Schedule under Calendar 
When:  Sunday afternoons, 1-2p
Location:  Cafe @ 4000 PCH, Torrance (front of building)

About: These ever changing, topic-based events are for everyone so bring a friend, relative or neighbor!
Register here.  We are looking forward to supporting you!

Overview: Our mission is to offer support and tools to help people process life circumstances and successfully manage relationships in a new and effective way.  During our time together, prepare to elevate your understanding, gain wisdom, challenge a belief or habit, dream goals, get unstuck, love better and so much more.  

Questions or Help?  contactus@welcomehomeca.org 

Who We Are

Certified Life Coaches.  
Mothers and Fathers.
Sons and Daughters.  
Marketplace leaders and Entrepreneurs.
Men and Women. People. Human.

Our mission is to help individuals
and groups process the circumstances of life
in a new and effective way.

 We have a deep desire to help transform the lives of individuals, families and communities
-- one story at a time.

What We Do

We help people think better, decide better
and live better.  
We enter the space between the stories of your past and the possibilities in your future by aligning 'who you are' and 'how you've been created'.  
We help people build bridges between who they are today (now circumstance) and who they want to become.  

We are pop-up equippers; bringing wisdom, knowledge and understanding
to the 'now' moment.  
When we transform our lives, we cannot help but transform the lives around us.  

What's Different

Have you ever been in that place
where you know you need some help,
 but you're not sure what to call it
or how to go about getting it?  
And, at the same time, you know the need isn't for traditional counseling or therapy?
 The need is for something in between?
Or maybe, you've done the counseling and therapy route and you're thinking, now what?

Sign-up for our workshops and coffee conversations to get better equipped at living life, navigating relationships, making an impact and achieving new things.

Join us on Sunday afternoons @ 12:30p
see the calendar of events and register to attend (above)!